Are You Ready for Spring?

S_S Vol 6 No 1 PDF.pdfWinter in all its glory brought bountiful amounts of snow to the delight of everyone who enjoyed the excellent trail conditions. Who could complain when the snows kept coming day after day and skiers, snowshoers and hikers had endless opportunities to enjoy their sport and the beauty of the trail. There were many photographers on the trail as the varied storms brought perfect opportunities to photograph trees heavy laden with snow and mornings with hoarfrost glistening in the early sunlight. It has been an amazing winter. Now, there are eager bodies waiting to get out on the trail to walk, bike and run, but patience is required. Hopefully, we will enjoy a good spring melt and Friends of the Stower Seven Lakes State Trail will be out perfecting every mile just for you. Volunteers always needed so contact Chuck LeBreche for information. (Read more)

Work Play Earth Day

If you are seeking a way ! to make a difference in your community come on out to get the trail ready for summer activities. Maintenance includes a variety of activities including trimming branches, filling holes, and planting . Meet at the Nye or Deronda Parking lot with your work gloves. Refreshments will be on hand and be sure to bring the kids. (Read more)