Classes Offered

Please sign up to go to these classes and encourage other to do the same, also spread the word on facebook. Our Friends of Stower Seven Lakes State Trail cooperation with Amery community Education are offering the following classes. These classes are made possible with a grant from Friends of Wisconsin State Parks.

Sept, 23, 6-8 pm Wild Flowers @ Deronda Parking lot with Rob Bursik

October 5 6-7 pm  Bluebird workshop @ Soo line Pavilion/ Amery City Hall

October 12 6:30 - 8:30 pm Frogs on the Trail @ Soo line Pavilion/ Amery City Hall

Please also remember the Changing Colors Ride/ Family Games Day and Friends Annual meeting

October 10 activities begin 11:30 with Annual meeting at Noon followed by free hotdogs for all and Ride at 1PM.